-Read the questions carefully!
- Pay attention to those KEYwords/phrases.
- Some scenarios you may need to imagine happening.
-Remember the time
-No skipping questions!
-Use the process of elimination
-Priority, priority, priority
- Always remember priority over everything!
-The NCLEX world is not the “real” world
- Don’t add to the question scenario with things you’ve seen in practice. The NCLEX world is all in the question. Nothing more!
-Multiple response is true or false
- Treat the select all the apply options as true or false statements.
These are a few of the important things to practice when test-taking. Of course, apply critical thinking to every question. Finally, make the question SIMPLE. Many questions are filled with distractor information that you don’t’ need. Reword the question to it’s simplest terms 🙂 Cut out all the extra!
Happy Testing!